Juma Majid Legal Consultant is a reputable and well-established law firm in the United Arab Emirates, the Middle East, and the GCC.Due to its success in safeguarding its client’s interests, Juma Majid Legal Consultant became one of the best-listed law firms in providing litigation and consultancy services. Established 20 years ago, the organization was under the Management of Mrs.Alhajeya Salem Saeed Alnoobi.

Each Employee in Juma Majid Legal Consultant is attributed to a position according to their educational and professional expertise. Each employee is closely supervised and his/her work comes under revision in every three months of their employment. Our lawyers and qualified administrative staff is fully committed to providing our clients with accurate, thorough and cost-effective advice.

Juma Majid Legal Consultant is comprised of the following departments: Litigation, Commercial and Corporate, Contracts, Police Cases, Arbitration, Banking, Finance, Insurance and Transportation Law. Each department has an appointed manager, who is well versed in the law and holds either a master or a doctorate educational qualifications.

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